Don't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.

Sunday, April 19, 1998

Left Jane's about 9:30 am their time to go to the airport.  Got my reservations O.K.  Sat and waited for plane as we were early.  Flight to St. Louis o.k.  Had a nice man seated next to me.  Had to wait on plane in St. Louis about 45 minutes to make sure everyone's luggage was on.  A nice lady sat next to me and she helped me off the plane.  I rode on a golf cart from plane to inside airport.  Dale and Linda were there to meet me.  I was about 25. minutes late.

Friday, April 17, 1998

Started packing today.  Packed some clothes - washed some and packed.

Thursday, April 16, 1998

Rained all day and I layed around and rested.  Cindy came by and got the brochures Jane had picked up for her.

Wednesday, April 15, 1998

Got a call this morning from Don Adams?  His son found Jane's billfold and is sending it to her.

Tuesday, April 14, 1998

We left Susie's, went to Rapid City to Howard Johnson's Rest. and ate breakfast.  Jane got to see her old boss and a couple of people she worked with.  Then we went to Pierre.  I stayed in the car, while Keith went to his meeting.  Jane walked with him.  We then went over ad saw the Mickelson Memorial and I took some pictures of it.  It rained off and on all the way home.  Stopped and ate in Chamberlain at the A&W Root Beer.  Got home about 11:30 pm my time.

Monday, April 13, 1998

Today Jane and Keith took Susie to work, then they came back and went to the Chamber of Commerce to get pamphlets for Cindy (Jane's boss).  Jane and I went and got Susie.  I saw Mike Churchword and Pat.  We then went to Rapid City and got Dorothy.  The Dr. told her she could work, but not drive.  We went to Perkins for lunch  On the way home, we let Susie off at work and took Dorothy to Blue Bell.  Saw Darrell.  When we got to Susie's house Jane and Keith went to look for her billfold.  Craig called and he came and got me so I could see the difference in the Fort.  Nicole also called.  I stayed with Craig until 9:00 pm and time for Susie to be home. Nicole was at Susie's.   We visited until Susie and Rachel came home.  Rachel brought Susie home, then Rachel went to Sylvan.

Sunday, April 12, 1998

Craig came over and brought the ham for dinner and Nicole came over too.  Jane, Susie, Nicole, and I went to see Dorothy at Blue Bell.  Saw Phil, Sue, Dorothy, Mike (maintenance), Patricia, and met the new manager Paula.
  Later this evening while everyone was napping Nicole and I went to see the Nielsons.  Rachel (Sylvan Lake) came over and visited.  Nicole brought Josh over to meet us.

Saturday, April 11, 1998

We went to Susie's after Jane got off work today.  Got to Custer about midnight, Susie's time.

Monday, April 6, 1998

Went to see where Keith works.  Met one of his bosses, then went to the storage again.  She has decided to wait to have her yard sale.

Saturday, April 4, 1998

Talked to Susie Sat. morning.  Sat. afternoon we went over to the storage and brought a car load of stuff back.  Jane is going to have a yard sale next weekend.