Don't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Margaret Bernice Pritchard


Born Sept 6, 1923 in Lafayette, Ind.

Parents: Paul and Lilian Cook Pritchard

     My mother was Canadian and I presume they were married in Canada, as I have pictures of Dad and a half brother Harold and Aunt Clara taken in Canada.  In fact in London, Ontario, Canada.  Also my brother Bernard Francis Pritchard was born in Canada July 19th, 1922.  Sometime they moved to Detroit, Mich where mother died (with pneumonia) when I was age 5.  Father had one brother and 2 sisters.  Elsie, the oldest, Laura, Clara, and Dad was the youngest.  Aunt Laura and husband Herb Agey took Bernard and I to Robinson, Ill where they lived.  Aunt Clara Stewart lived with them.  Uncle Elsie and his wife Aunt Della lived at West Point, Ind.   Uncle Elsie had 4 children.  Beryl, Darst, Claude, and Bonnie.  Aunt Laura and Aunt Clara had no children.
     We, Bernard and I, lived at Robinson Ill. thru school.  Grade school was a few blocks from home and we walked.  When I was in the 2nd grade, I was hit by a car as I crossed the street at the intersection and was knocked down.  The lady driving was coming to a stop   The only injury was to my right foot.  She took me home, and as Aunt Clara was a practical Nurse she didn't think I needed to go to a Dr. and she wrapped my foot.  The arch was broken and I have had trouble with that foot ever since.   
     When I entered the 7th grade we went to a new school for 7th and 8th grades.  It was clear across town.  We walked most of the time.  1st thru 6th grade was Jefferson school on North Jefferson st.  The 7th and 8th grades was at Lincoln School.  By the time I was ready for High School we moved to Palestine, Ill.  I went 4 grades in High School in Palestine.  Bernard went his freshman year at Robinson and last 3 in Palestine.  I graduated in 1941.  Bud in 1940.
   There I met and married Harry Stanfield on Nov. 7, 1941.  We had 2 children Linda Lee (Feb. 15, 1943) and Herschel Donald (Dec. 18th, 1946) named after his uncle Herschel who was killed by an auto accident in California 10 days before he was released from Navy in 1946.  Their were 8 boys in the family in the Navy during the war - World War 2 -  There was Harry, his brothers, Doug, Rueul, Jim, Charles, and Herschel, his sister Fern's husband Bob Gonterman and my brother Bernard Pritchard.  Harry's other sides husband Raymond Espy worked for the railroad, so he didn't serve in the military.  I stayed home part of the time during the war with 
     After moving back to Palistine, I went to work at the local bakery.   There I met Harry Stanfield,
whom I married Nov 7th, 1941.   We had 2 children.   Linda Lee, born Feb 15th, 1943.  Then Herschel Donald, born Dec. 18th, 1946.  He was named after his Uncle Herschel, who was killed by an auto accident in California 10 days before he was to be released from the Navy in 194.  There were 8 boys in the family in the Navy during the War - World War 2.
     Their names: Doug, Reuel, Jim, Harsy, Herschel, and Charlies Stanfield, the daughter Fern's husband Robert Gotermand was in the navy.  The sister Margary's husband worked for the railroad and was considered as important as the Navy.  so he stayed home and worked for the R.R.
     I also stayed home part of the time during the war with Mother Stanfield and part of the time I worked in Indianapolis, Ind at the Lucas-Harold Plant, where we made gas tanks for the planes and also worked in Indps. Ind. I worked 
After in a plant where we made the
In Layfayette, Ind I worked at the Brown Rubber Co, making gas tanks, then at Indp. the Lucas Harold Pant we made the masks
Bomb site - after the war we moved back to Palistine. Got pregnant with
     I stayed home part of the time with Mother Stanfield and part of the time I worked in Indianapolis, Ind. at the Lucas-Harold Plant where they made the Nordinbomb sight.  I also worked in Lafayette, Ind at the Brown Rubber Plant.  We made gasoline tanks for planes.
     After the War we lived in Palistine for awhile.  Harry drove a truck and made several trips to Louisvillie, Ky.  There he met Mary, whom he married after we divorced.
    On Dec 9th, 1950 I married Ned McNurlan.  We had 4 daughters. 
Nedra Ann - July 31st, 1951
Mary Jane - April 13th, 1953
Susan Kay - May 9th, 1960
Elizabeth Joan - Oct 31st, 1961
When we were married Ned worked at a feed mill in Martinsville, IL then at the Stone Quarry in Casey, Il.  We moved to Redmon, IL and lived on a farm and worked for Bill Roll for 15  years.  we moved to Brorton, then to Chrisman, and then to Paris when Jo and Susie were in the 7th and 8th grades. I worked different places thru the years.  At the Elks Club, Country Club in Paris, the Eastwood Club in Terre Haute, Ind, Morgans, at Leo's and the Friendly Bar in Paris as a waitress and bartender.  Also worked a short time at a sewing factory in Paris where they made Arnold Palmer Jackets.  I couldn't sew too well so I went back to work at a bar where I could eat or drink my mistakes.  I also worked as a waitress at Don and Katies in Paris.  When they closed the kitchent at the American Legion in Paris where I was working as a cook, I stayed home for awhile.
     Ned had started to work for Case Power and Equipment in Paris when we still lived in Chrisman.  He hurt his back and had surgery in 1971 (?) I think.  In 1977 his boss Dan Vermuillen had moved to Amarillo, TX and he called and wanted Ned to come out there to drive a truck.  We moved in May of 1977 to Amarillo.  Susie and Jo stayed with Nedra and they finished selling what furniture we didn't take with us.  They flew to Amarillo after school was out.  They were in their junior and senior years in Amarillo.  I went to work at the Husky Truck Stop.

Dear God,
  I know I'm a sinner.  I believe Jesus died to forgive me of my sins.  I now accept your offer of eternal life.  Thank you for my new life.  From this day forward I will choose to follow you.  Amen.
     For it is by grace you have been saved.  Through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.
                                                                 Ephesians - 2:8

My furniture belongs to whoever has it at the time.
My jewelry - none of it is valuable, price wise.  If you remember what you gave me, you may have it.
The necklace I'm wearing belongs to Jane as she found it and made sure I got it in time for Xmas.
The Black Hills gold ring I'm wearing goes to Susie.
Some of my things Jo brought back from Korea.
After everyone has their things then have a yard sale and give the to Linda for expenses.
Jane the same way with whats in store with her.
Nedra be sure and get the cradle for the rolling pin.

 ~ All works are credited to Margaret McNurlan and taken from journals she wrote in. ~  


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